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“No matter what kind of day you may think you’re going to have, it’s still a victory day. That doesn’t mean you’re exempt from challenges or trials, but at the end of the day you made it through the day, so it’s a victory day.”
"In neighborhoods that we have patrolled in partnership with IMPD and community groups, we have seen a 100% reduction in criminal homicides.”
“For this year's scholarship, we were able to award eighty-two persons, undergrad and graduate level, with a Scholarthon.”
“This is not a local issue, but it is a national one. It is not just consumption, it is community.”
"I'm thankful. Thankful to God I did it. With help, I did it."
“I’ve inherited this legacy of giving and helping others. One of the most responsible things that I can do as a man is give. I’m the legacy and I don’t believe it stops at me.”
“What was so great about street art was that it gave me a voice to talk about something so difficult.”
“Without the church, I don't know if I would have had the vaccine.”