Open your givers' hearts
Connect with your givers. Engage them with our free-to-you tools.

Connect and say thanks
Built-in donor messaging

Insights into your givers
Givelify Analytics Studio

Learn why they give
AI-powered donor statistics

Truly engaged fundraisers
Givelithon® fundraising events

Reach givers on social media
Share giving links with one tap

Distraction-free giving
Tap. Give. Joy.

Faster engagement. Improved tools.
Quick replies to any donation. Custom messages to specific givers. We make it effortless for you to send a quick thank you or broadcast a reminder about an upcoming event.

Electrify your giving potential
Reveal what motivates your givers with artificial intelligence-powered stats like giving frequency, giving trends, and giving styles.

Encourage in-person giving
Givelithons are built to be shown. Pull it up on a big monitor. Project it on a wall. Watch your donation total rise in real time with every contribution.

Features for Organizations
Givelify packs all this power and more into Analytics Studio, free to our member organizations and places of worship.