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Fuel your calling with consistent giving

The fastest growing community of givers. The most consistent, cheerful, generous repeat givers. Insights into the psychology of giving.

Cathy. • gave $100
Terry • gave $10
John • gave $1000
Monica • gave $140
Terry • gave $5
Bravo! Stories of Good: Victory Grace Center

"I think one of the generations that is overlooked are seniors. I think they felt alone, or lonely. And we saw this as a need. So we provided computers, because we wanted them to connect with the digital world.”

Dr. Jazz

Victory Grace Center

Big hearts think alike

It's the big hearts who propel your vision. Connect with more of them on Givelify. Where the average annual contribution is $3960, five times the US national average. And it's secure. That's why 3 in 4 donations go through: a whopping 300% more than the average online shopping cart.

Giving as natural as a heartbeat

We empower your givers to give naturally and freely, without distraction, in those critical seconds when your mission inspires them. During worship or on the go afterwards. From your website or ours. On social media or at a live event. Givelify eliminates the barriers to consistent giving.

Invite repeat generosity

Help your givers savor each gift. Invite their generosity with simple, friendly reminders that repeat at the time they choose. A bit of inspiration can help keep their commitment to you on track. We also offer simple automatic withdrawals.

Your AI-powered Chief Fundraising Officer

Insights into how to keep your donors enthusiastically giving. The knowledge to cultivate a passionate community of support. Combine the power of artificial intelligence with great donor management tools, and become your own best fundraising officer.

Groceries illustration

Make giving easy with Givelify