Church Giving: How Mobile Recurring Offerings Grow Your Ministry
Church giving is vital for the health of your place of worship, and the more consistent this giving becomes, the better off your church will be. Let’s take a deeper look at how beneficial automatic recurring offerings can be for your ministry, and how Givelify mobile giving makes it more effortless and beautiful than ever.
Turn Forgetful Givers into Faithful Givers
When it comes to church giving, some people are forgetful. Younger members may be away at college for part of the year. Others travel often for business or take vacations a few times a year with family. Others are busy attending to the needs of the church during the offering, and have difficulty taking part. Many in these categories want to give consistently, and they regret it when they don’t manage to give as often as they intended.
For all these types of givers, one simple solution can ease their worries: mobile recurring giving. With Givelify, this process couldn’t be more simple. While making an offering through the Givelify platform, they will simply tap on the button labeled “Set Recurring” and then select how often they want the offering to be made — daily, weekly, monthly, etc. That’s it! Once they complete that initial offering, all future mobile recurring offerings will go out automatically as scheduled.
Once they set up mobile recurring giving, your members will instantly become consistent, faithful givers — no matter what their upcoming schedule entails.
Recurring Givers Give More
Looking at charitable donations as a whole, interesting research shows the value of recurring giving. Nonprofits Source found that donors who set up recurring donations give 42% more in a year than those who gave one-time gifts. One charity expert explains recurring giving is good for donors, too.
One young religious nonprofit with a 500-person donor base discovered that over two years the average lifetime revenue of their 30 recurring donors was $397, compared to just $203 from all other donors. Imagine how that gap could widen over 5, 10, or 20 years! The takeaway for church giving? The larger gifts are great for building momentum, but consistent, smaller offerings over time actually outweigh sporadic, larger gifts in terms of total money given to the church.
Recurring Church Giving Levels Out your Budget
The more your members give predictable, consistent offerings, the more even your week-to-week and month-to-month budget becomes. If your church funds are tight, knowing that contributions are already scheduled can go a long way in planning your budget.
Givelify also makes tracking incoming offerings a breeze, so you will always know exactly where your finances stand. Not only can you see a real-time view of all contributions your church has received through the platform — including information about who gave — but you can also see if a donation has been set to recur.
Set Your Ministry Up for Success
Pastors and church leaders, encourage your members to set up mobile recurring giving. Having the option is a great first step, but unless you encourage people to use it, they may never give it a try. Remind them that It’s worry-free participation; they’ll never have to feel bad for forgetting to give or miss the chance to participate in giving when they’re away from church.
If your ministry doesn’t have an effective method for receiving automatic recurring donations, it’s time for a change. Automatic recurring giving is just one of the many features Givelify offers to places of worship as a part of its platform. We would love to show you all of the ways Givelify can benefit your place of worship.