3 Ways Your Organization is Missing Out On Nonprofit Donations
If you are not actively promoting your giving campaigns on social media and via your website and email newsletters, you’re missing out on some nonprofit donations. For a non-profit, the annual giving campaign coupled with the ease of using an app like Givelify ensures that members and prospects no only know what your group is doing, but you make it easier than ever to support your organization.
You’re Not Using Social Media
According to PEW research, more than 2/3 of adults use social media daily. It’s more than an opportunity for engagement, social media efforts on sites like Facebook and Twitter are also used for sharing information, making recommendations and even making buying decisions. The Givelify app is a natural match for the fast-paced social media environment, since users can make the decision to make nonprofit donations and then do so instantly, without distraction.
You’re Not Connecting Online
83% of all adults have a smart mobile device and most spend time online each day as well. If you don’t have a website and are not reaching out to your base with regular online newsletters and emails to boost engagement, you’re missing out. It’s easy to get lost in the shuffle when there are so many organizations and businesses competing for your member’s attention (and dollars), so maintaining a presence and using email and other online strategies to promote giving is a must. Your emails, newsletters and even your blog can direct prospects to your Givelify campaign.
You’re Not Making an Annual Appeal
An annual appeal does several things; it reminds your members of everything you’ve accomplished during the year, lets them in on the exciting new plans for the next year and helps you boost engagement and involvement in other activities, too. Your annual appeal is the right time to reach out to those who do not donate and to request that your current donors increase their giving, too. Our Givelithon campaign makes it easier than even to create an annual appeal that gets results.
Make sure the hard work you are putting into your campaign accomplishes the results you’re craving; incorporating an annual appeal, email and social media into your Givelify campaign makes it easier than ever to get the results you want. Contact us to see how easy it is to get started and to facilitate giving for your members.