Using Social Media To Drive Mobile Giving
If you really want to get people invested in your cause, you have to make them feel connected. Social media is a great tool for keeping in touch with your donors, and it’s also the perfect way to drive mobile giving to your organization. By leveraging that connection, you can keep your donors’ attention and receive more financial support from them in the future.
Keep Donors Engaged
If your supporters don’t have any contact with your organization, they may forget about the great work you do. Your donors want to stay connected to your nonprofit, even when they aren’t physically at a fundraising event. But how can they stay in touch when your organization goes AWOL? Imagine the negative impact that absence could have on your mobile giving efforts and overall fundraising.
One simple way to make sure you stay on donors’ minds is to show up in their social media feeds. According to Pew Research Center:
62% of all American adults are Facebook users
70% log on to Facebook daily
43% check Facebook several times a day
When your supporters get on Facebook, information about your cause could be the first thing they see. Studies show that when nonprofit organizations interact with their donors on social media, it has a great effect on fundraising. 55% of people who engage with charities on social media go on to make a donation.
Share Your Story
Once you have engaged your supporters using social media, the next step is to convince them to give. According to a study by Waggener Edstrom, 56% of people who follow nonprofits on social media are motivated to give by compelling storytelling.
Using your organization’s social media accounts, you can tell your story in front of people who already care about and support your organization. Share posts about what your nonprofit is doing in the community. Discuss the real impact you can have with your donors’ financial support.
When they hear about the work you are doing and how much their donations can help you make a difference, they will be moved to give.
Interact Live During Events
Another great way to drive nonprofit donations is to be present on social media during fundraising events. Simply making Twitter posts during your events can result in 10 times more online donations. Why limit yourself to the audience directly in front of you? Use Twitter to help spread your message and capture a larger audience’s attention.
This is the perfect way to incorporate mobile giving into your fundraising strategy. Even if they aren’t present at your event, Twitter followers who see your updates may decide to give. They can then simply use their phone to make a donation on the spot.
Drive Them To Your Mobile Giving App
The most direct way you can use your organization’s social media accounts to drive mobile giving is to post about the option itself. Announce that your nonprofit accepts donations through a mobile app. Let them know how mobile giving works. Give them instructions on how to download the app and why it is so convenient for them.
The best part? You will be telling the absolute truth. Mobile giving is the most convenient form of giving, particularly for donors who are not physically present. In all of the above scenarios, the donor made a decision to give when they weren’t attending an event in person. With mobile giving, they can give immediately with just a few taps on their phone.