Church Giving: What Time Do People Make Digital Contributions?
For the next several weeks we’ll be sharing findings from a study we recently conducted entitled “The Mobile Giving Revolution in Church Giving.” Givelify has processed more than 2.5 million transactions — each Wednesday we’ll dive into a different key finding from our data that will give you and your organization powerful insight into church giving trends, as well as tips and advice on how to utilize this information for growth.
Can’t wait and want to read them all? Download the full report today!
What time of day do people participate in church giving?
On weekdays, Givelify transactions spike during evening hours, 7-9 p.m. We also see a slight bump in the mornings, 6-10 a.m.
We don’t have data as to why this happens, but we can safely conclude something around dinner time is reminding or moving people to give. Perhaps they’re attending evening worship, praying at the dinner table, or can finally set work concerns aside and focus on other priorities.
Interestingly, median contribution amounts are higher in the morning than in the evening. Friday mornings have the biggest morning bump (likely from payday), with the highest median contributions all week.
Key Takeaway: If people are more receptive to messaging in the evenings, experiment with tailoring your emails and social media push accordingly.
What time do they give on Saturdays?
On Saturdays, we see a consistent pattern as Givelify users give evenly and spontaneously throughout the day.
This is likely because they have less rigid schedules, or perhaps the weekend pace offers more options throughout the day to think about giving.
What hours are most popular for giving on Sundays?
On Sundays, a vast majority of Givelify users give between 6 a.m. and 4 p.m., hours consistent with popular times for worship services.
Thinking back to data we just covered a couple of graphs ago, it’s interesting to note Sunday contribution amounts are typically half of Friday donations.